Who are Teladoc doctors?

All the doctors in Teladoc's national network are U.S. board-certified family practitioners, primary care physicians, pediatricians and internists who use Electronic Health Records to diagnose, treat and write prescriptions when necessary. When accessing Teladoc, you'll be connected to a doctor in your state. These doctors are all actively practicing physicians and choose to incorporate telemedicine into their medical practice as a way to offer more affordable, convenient access to quality care.

Teladoc providers are:

  • U.S. board-certified in emergency medicine, internal medicine, family practice, pediatrics, dermatology and behavioral health.
  • State-licensed in their respective states. When you call Teladoc, you will always speak with a provider licensed to practice medicine in your state.
  • Experienced physicians with an average of 20 years in practice in medical specialties including pediatrics, family medicine, emergency medicine, internal medicine, dermatology or behavioral health.
  • Verified through the National Practitioner Data Bank and the American Medical Association for medical licensure, training and education, work history and malpractice history.
  • Credentialed every three years in accordance with the standards of the National Committee for Quality Assurance. Teladoc is the only U.S. telemedicine company that certifies its doctors in this manner.
  • U.S. residents who live and work here.
  • Telehealth specialists with specialized training in talking with patients and diagnosing over the phone and via online video, while adhering to Teladoc's set of 130 proprietary, evidence-based, clinical practice guidelines for the telephonic and audio-video treatment of common, uncomplicated medical conditions (the only guidelines in the industry specific to telehealth).

Teladoc providers are not a replacement for your primary care physician. Rather, they can provide supplemental care when you can’t access your doctor.

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