How is my Personal Investment Performance calculated in MyGuideStone®?

This Personal Investment Performance calculation in MyGuideStone presents the investment performance of your account while eliminating the effects of inflows or outflows of money (such as contributions, withdrawals, adjustment or exchanges). It is also commonly referred to as the time-weighted rate of return or the geometric mean return.

Based upon how your Personal Investment Performance is calculated, your personal results may differ from the performance of the investments you are invested in. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, share prices will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or loss based on your account's activity and/or investment strategy. A diversified portfolio's return typically follows the ups and downs of the stock market for the given time period.

How is Personal Investment Performance calculated?

Different investment performance results can be achieved by using various formulas. Our formula is shown below.

Day 'N' in our formulas represent each day for the requested time period. For example, if we calculate the Personal Investment Performance for the last 90 days, Day 'N' represents Day 1, Day 2, Day 3,...Day 90 from today or the selected end date.

Formula Step 1: Calculate the Return For a Given Day

Day N Return = Earnings for Day N / Beginning Balance for Day N

Earnings = Ending Balance for Day N - (Beginning Balance for Day N + (Contributions for Day N - Withdrawals for Day N + Adjustments for Day N + Transfers for Day N))

Ending Balance for Day N = (Total number of shares for fund A * NAV for fund A) + (Total number of shares for fund B * NAV for fund B)..... + Total number of shares for fund N * NAV for fund N)

Beginning Balance for Day N = (Total number of shares for fund A for the prior business day * NAV for fund A for the prior business day) + Total number of shares for fund B for the prior business day * NAV for fund B for the prior business day).....+ Total number of shares for fund N for the prior business day * NAV for fund N for the prior business day)

Contributions = Includes contributions applied to fund choices, loan repayments (interest and principle) and rollovers in

Withdrawals = Includes hardship, in-service and termination withdrawals, loan disbursements, loan fees and rollovers out

Adjustments = Adjustments made to the account for various reasons (i.e. account correction)

Transfers = Monies moved from one fund to another fund

Formula Step 2: Accumulate the Results of Step 1 For All the Days in the Range

Cumulative Return: Day 1 - Day N = (((Day 1 Return + 1) * (Day 2 Return +1)*...*(Day N Return +1))- 1)

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